Wednesday Wants: Kangaroos Stomping Grounds

January 26, 2011 § Leave a comment

This week’s Wednesday Wants is a super special one. I have created it just for my handsome Mister. Today is Australia Day, which is basically like America’s July 4th. I gave a little bit of information here about Australian of the Year. This person is awarded the title on the national day in Australia. You may be asking what this has to do with my Mister, so I am prepared to give you a little background information.

My wonderful Mister is American, although he should have been born in Australia. This kid loves everything down under. From the shows, (hence the Chris Lilley marathon as of late), to the music to the cricket players, everything about Australia is wonderful in his eyes. Although I am not as much in love with that country as he is, I have a fond place in my heart for it. I have even promised the Mister I would move there with him.

Because I love my Mister as much as he loves Australia (actually, I probably love him more…yea, yea…total sap) and because he is my support system and best friend, I knew I needed to give this Wednesday Wants to him. Here’s to Aussieland!

Melbourne is really pretty.

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