Babies and Roadtrips

March 9, 2011 § Leave a comment

A road trip was suppose to happen this coming weekend, but the Mister and I took it a week early because my nephew, Porter, decided to grace the world with his presence early. I doubt anyone really minded that he came early after waiting 9 months for the little guy.

On Friday night, I had some unexpected company, but the Mister and I did not mind. After a few hours of talking about just about everything under the sun, I got a call from my older brother saying Porter was coming early. I grabbed my keys and headed to get my other nephew (their dog), Mclovin from their house. I always get to dog-sit and just adore my furry nephew.

The Mister and I had planned on going to Cincinnati (from Louisville) on Saturday, but I had a rough night, and we did not sleep at all. Saturday was spent getting rested up, full of food and conversations on the phone from everyone wanting to hear the good news. Sunday I packed up some homework to do in the car, grabbed some music for the Mister and earplugs for me then headed for a bit to eat and off to see Porter!

Mclovin and I

almost there

Porter David. He looks just like my brother. I like him.

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